Monday, August 16, 2010


It kills me how you can just bounce back. It hurts me. I see you act like nothing's wrong, like you're just living life. Like I was never there.

I was there. I was there when you kissed me for the first time. I was there all of the times you pulled me into you and held me tight. I can't pretend that I wasn't. My stomach drops a little every time I have to see another of your updates, full of excitement and happiness. I'm here. You're there. I feel more alone than ever. It hurts my heart to watch this stupid movie, with teenagers taking their time for granted. Loving each other without boundary. While I'm forgotten.

Well I'm leaving too. I'm starting a new life too. I'm going to be faster. Stronger. And better. Because I am and always will be unforgettable. And the fact that you try to deny that only makes you easier to forget.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

it's so much more than you and I.

let's face it. I don't mean enough to you.

When I look into your eyes, I see feelings. Feelings you deny, twist, and destroy. Feelings I'm probably not supposed to see.

There was a time that I thought I loved you. Things are different now. That was before you changed to me. What is it that has you so afraid? Your quiet words slip past me, and with every breath I feel another abrasion upon my skin. You fill the silence with empty words, as if you hope I will forget all you have done if you cloud the air with shallow observation.

The thing is, that I am not nobody. Let's just be honest about it. There isn't another me in this world. I am stronger than you could imagine. There will always be another side of me to discover. The fact that I smile that smile you claim to love, is a miracle. There was a time when my smile was much of a rarity. I have every reason to be different. Angry. Upset. Dark. But I'm not. When I share my world with you, it's a big deal. I wish you saw that. You don't appreciate what of me I have opened up to you. You don't appreciate who I am. You don't love me the way you should. And as much as it may have hurt me at one time, now I only wish that you would leave my sight. I have other people to share my world with. People who will appreciate how much it means to be a part of it. I'm sorry that you're not a deep enough person to be who you once were to me. I'm sorry that you think I'm weak. Or that I'm going to miss you. My mind interpreted the situation, my body shut itself off from you, and my heart healed. I will allow no one to make me feel unimportant. Not special. Because I am. I don't need you to tell me so, I need you to know so. And unfortunately, you don't. Fortunately enough, I will say goodbye soon. Or will I? Perhaps you'd be better off left lonely and confused. All I have left to say to you is good riddance.